These Days Nobody Runs For Office Unless They Intend To Do Crimes Almost every modern major politician has agreed to engage in crimes against the taxpayer in order to get the financing to run a multi-million dollar political campaign. Even the most starry eyed, sandal-wearing, hippie-bead flaunting, yoga preaching hipsters are intending to engage in crimes. These hipster wannabe's have knowingly agreed to let their campaign managers and their insider law firms run these crimes for them. They may have the in-office rule of "don't tell me anything I should not know" and "plausible deniability", but they are doing crimes none the less. A MESSAGE TO AMERICA: This matter affects every voting citizen because, if we can't get justice in America, then no voter will believe they can either. A handful of corrupt tech billionaires, and their corrupt Senators, are manipulating public emotional triggers in order to steer, and money-launder, a trillion U.S. taxpayer dollars into their private bank accounts. Over 300 million American voters have said that the #1 issue with U.S. public policy is “CORRUPTION”. This issue is about that corruption. Their “climate”, “immigrants”, “medical coverage” issues are fake controversies that they use to scam U.S. Treasury funds that have nothing to do with those ‘cover issues’. They use Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Main Stream Media, that they own, in order to pump up these fake controversies via fake news. They use "Dark Money" fake charities, "Invisible Bridge" money laundering, crony stock market insider trading and pump-and-dump schemes, revolving door payola, prostitution bribes and other illicit corruption tricks. We are fighting back and we have already taken out part of the “bad guys”, and their schemes, using 100% legal tactics and methodologies. Any member of the public can now accomplish these anti-corruption efforts using espionage journalism, private investigation methods, citizen sleuth websites, class-action lawsuits and personal mass public media distribution. We encourage the public to continue in their efforts to bankrupt every single corrupt party that abuses our Democracy. In our matter, the U.S. Government, via the Obama White House and the U.S. Department of Energy intentionally defrauded us out of years of work and our life savings! Now they owe us some offsets! We are here to collect. We could not understand how ‘public servants’ could do these kinds of crimes to, and with, our government while stealing our, and millions of other taxpayers, money out of our pockets. We set out to hunt down every single person, group and process that allowed these crimes to happen, document their crimes on permanent public record and then make it nearly impossible for them to ever do this to the public again. We were tricked by false government promises into spending years of our lives and millions of dollars of our life savings. We, and our peers, were used as the “facade” of a “cover story” to operate a criminally illicit “Dark Money” operation against the American public. We swear, warrant and certify that we can prove every assertion in a public federal jury trial, Grand Jury hearing and/or televised Congressional hearing, given equitable credible legal resources and security protection. Senior government officials had full knowledge of, and participated in, this criminal enterprise. They knew, from the start, that the state ad federal funding was covertly hard-wired, in advance, exclusively to their friends. They then attacked us with “Fusion GPS” , “Lois Lerner Targeting”, a tabloid character assassination program and worse things. They attacked us because we properly reported the crime to the FBI and Congress. They attacked us because we did "the right thing". The cover-ups of this crime continue to this day. The failure of the U.S. Government to provide any 1.) apology, 2.) damages offset, 3.) justice, 4.) whistle-blower and informant fees; in this matter continues to this day. We are not anti-government. We are anti-corruption. In fact, top government officials are helping us in our quest. For our first project, almost every taxpaying member of the public supported our past efforts and, in fact, provided us with a historically large number of purchasing letters of support which we hand-delivered to Congress. Nobody else was able to do that. The non-crony major international news outlets, every major industrial publication, most of the non-crony members of the U.S. Congress, and every other non-crony public official confirmed that "Part Two" of our project was a “go”. After winning Congressional awards and fully delivering on our previous government contracts, federal officials asked us to invest our time and money in the federal government and do even more to create domestic jobs and new domestic technology opportunities. BUT… turned out that all of the government “deciders” worked for and owned stock in our arch competitor. The government officials took the money they had promised to us and gave it to their friends, who are our competitors. They gave it to the least qualified party; who also happened to be their buddy and their campaign financiers. They also gave part of the taxpayer cash to some of their friends who immediately filed bankruptcy in order to make huge profits off of tax loss filings and stock market valuation “pumps” without ever having to create any jobs or ongoing product deliveries. We were asked to pay bribes and we refused to pay bribes. We refused to be part of the Silicon Valley “Dark Money” crimes. We knew these people. We were invited to their parties and to their most intimate meetings. When we saw that they were running afoul of Democracy using corrupt schemes, illegal insider trading, sextortion, money laundering, tax evasion, bribes, prostitutes, Dark Money conduits, election rigging, internet manipulation and other crimes against the public; we said NO! Will the U.S. Government provide us with the justice we seek and the Constitution demands? We have worked with exceptional FBI, GAO, SEC, CFTC, IG and Congressional staff in this matter and we wish to acknowledge their support. Many have seen the recent news head-lines about top-level law enforcement firings of corrupt law enforcement executives. Those were the right moves and we wish to confirm the fact that certain public officials continue to stall our justice. Treasury and GAO say that over 180 million taxpayer dollars have been spent on cover-ups, attacks and DOJ stalls against our request in order to avoid political embarrassment for the Obama Administration. They are no longer around and they SHOULD be embarrassed by their corruption! You can resolve our matter for dramatically less money than you are spending trying to cover it up! We will not give up and we will fight to the end. Our Task Force of crime victims, journalists, bloggers, mass data scientists, intelligence specialists and voters is now using 100% legal means to terminate every single crook in this case until we get justice. We demand a resolution where our damages are paid for and the whistle-blower and informant fees we are owed are delivered. The news articles and Congressional reports prove that this Silicon Valley Cartel regularly engages in crimes, sex abuse, illicit acts, a sociopath culture and law-breaking. Fact-based forensic data has now been published representing the work of tens of thousands of renown, award-winning journalists and researchers. They prove that what we are saying really did happen and it really is a criminal abuse of Democracy! The ICIJ, Snowden, Assange and Binney leaks prove the depth of the crimes. Hundreds of thousands of documents have now been placed on public record in the federal courts and P2P archives and those documents prove who engaged in these crimes and how they did it. The 60 Minutes episodes, The feature films: Dark Money; Too Big To Fail; Inside Job and the tens of thousands of broadcast news segments about this corruption all prove our assertions. The evidence is indisputable! It is time for the public to take a stand against this kind of organized crime that is operated by the very people that are meant to serve the public! It is time for The U.S. Government and The U.S. Department of Energy to deliver the 1.) apology, 2.) damages offset, 3.) justice, 4.) whistle-blower and informant fees that are required. Mr. Perry, we look forward to your response. Sincerely, The Technology Alliance AMERICA'S LARGEST ORGANIZED CRIME SCANDAL: ====================================== Crooked insiders from every political party participated in the crime. It cost taxpayers over six trillion dollars in losses. The most notorious Senators in the country are trying to keep it covered up. The main part of the scam is called 'Dark Money Trickle Laundering'. It works via corrupt Senators, criminally illicit law firms, dirty lobbyists, fake charities, sociopath tech billionaires, mobster CPA's and covert dynastic family trust funds. The taxpayers of the USA are the helpless victims of this crime and the SEC, FEC, DOJ, DOE, and other agencies, refuse to help them because the agency bosses get paid by the crooks! America was created as a 'one person = one vote' nation but 320 elitist billionaires bribed their way to get 500,000+ votes for each one of themselves! In other words: you get one vote but they use criminally illicit schemes to steal millions of votes for a few hundred corrupt guys. That's just not fair! Read more about it on this wiki... THE DEEP STATE: EXPOSED! ========================================== WHICH MILLIONAIRES, SPECIFICALLY, ARE THE DEEP STATE ATTACKERS? You have heard of "The Deep State" that runs all of these tens of millions of dollars of attacks on the Trump Administration but who are they and why do they always try to destroy the elected government? We hired some Ex-CIA and FBI agents to answer that question. This is what they found out. 1.) These people have a 'Dark Money' bribery program underway in which they use fake charity organizations to conduit bribes and rigged government contracts back and forth to themselves. 2. These are the people (Mostly from New York and California) who are 'freaking out' because Trump is cutting off their corruption ('Draining the swamp...") and who are spending the most money and resources on Fusion GPS, Black Cube, Gawker/Gizmodo hit jobs and spying. These are not just people who disagree with Trump. They are actively meeting about, and spending tens of millions of dollars on espionage activities, riots and character assassinations in order to keep their payola schemes going. The top most active Deep State radicalized financiers and agitators are: - Amy Pascal - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Barack Obama - Bill Daley - Bill Lockyer - Brian Goncher - Daniel Cohen - David Axelrod - David Drummond - David Plouffe - David E. Shaw - Dianne Feinstein - Elon Musk - Eric Holder - Eric Schmidt - John Zaccarro, Jr. - Frank Giustra - Nick Denton - Harry Reid - Haim Saban - Hillary and Bill Clinton - Ira Ehrenpreis - Andy Bechtolsheim - Jay Carney - James Comey - Jared Cohen - Jeffrey Katzenberg - John Doerr - Harvey Weinstein - Yasmin Green - Jonathan Silver - Ken Brody - Lachlan Seward - Laurene Powell Jobs - Larry Page - Larry Summers - The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Google, Alphabet, YouTube - The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Facebook - The Majority of the Executives and Owners of In-Q-Tel - The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Amazon - The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Twitter - Lloyd Craig Blankfein - The Law Firm of Perkins Coi - Mark Zuckerberg - Martin LaGod - Matt Rogers - Marc Benioff - Michael Birch| - Steve Kirsch - Steven Spielberg - S. Donald Sussman - Pierre Omidyar - Rahm Emanual - Raj Gupta - Ray Lane - Robert Rubin - Rob Friedman - Reid Hoffman - Richard Blum - Robert Gibbs - Robert Shwarts - Roger Altman - The Law Firm of Covington and Burling - Sanford Robertson - Sheryl Sandburg - Steve Jurvetson - Steve Rattner - Steve Westly - Steven Chu - Steve Spinner - Susie Tompkins Buell - Tracey Turner - George Soros - Warren Buffet - Tom Steyer - Margie Sullivan - Tim Draper - Valarie Jarrett - Vinod Khosla - The law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosatti The confirming data was acquired from finance reports, FEC filings, Congressional studies, espionage journalism, state election reporting forms, Goldman Sachs and ICIJ Swiss Leaks documents and journalists. ======================================= GIVEN THE SAME LEGAL BUDGET AND RESOURCES AS YOU HAVE WE GAURANTEE TO WIN THIS CASE IN A PUBLIC JURY TRIAL AND/OR A LIVE TELEVISED CONGRESSIONAL HEARING! ======================================= There are no "conspiracy theories" or suppositions here. This is FBI-Class case evidence, as good as INTERPOL or the CIA can acquire, which will hold up in front of a Grand Jury or Live Congressional hearing to indict and/or imprison the targeted corrupt entities. We will never forgive and we will never forget until we get justice and recover our damages!!! ======================================= *** JOIN THE WORLD'S LARGEST VOLUNTEER CROWD-SOURCED LAW ENFORCEMENT ORGANIZATION. OUR TOP CURRENT CASE: THE DARK MONEY SILICON MOBSTERS PROOF OF THE FOLLOWING CASE POINTS FOR THE "DARK MONEY" CASE ARE PROVIDED ON THE ASSOCIATED HARD DRIVES: 1. A MAFIA-LIKE "SILICON VALLEY CARTEL" OF ELITIST FRATERNITY-HOUSE MEN EXISTS & OPERATED THIS CRIMINAL SCAM ALONG WITH FAMOUS POLITICIANS 2. SILICON VALLEY VC'S & PAYPAL MAFIA TECH OLIGARCHS ARE RAISED TO BE SOCIOPATHS AND EXHIBIT LAWLESS DERANGED SOCIAL ACTIONS LIKE RAPE, SEX ABUSE, MYSOGYNY, TAX EVASION, RACISM, BRIBERY, THEFT AND OTHER ILLICIT DEVIANCE 3. ELON MUSK & TESLA MOTORS EXIST TODAY BECAUSE OF THEIR COVERT POLITICAL ORGANIZED CRIME ACTIVITIES 4. CA & NY SENATORS & AG'S OPERATED THIS CRIMINAL KICKBACK PAYOLA SCHEME 5. THE OBAMA "CLEANTECH" PROGRAM WAS THE CRIMINAL CAMPAIGN FINANCE SLUSH FUND OPERATION FOR PART OF THESE CRIMES 6. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FINANCED & MANAGED POLITICAL ATTACKS ON TAXPAYERS USING A GROUP OF THIRD PARTY CONTRACT HIT-JOB PROVIDERS 7. GOOGLE OWNERS & EXECUTIVES PLANNED & MANUALLY COORDINATED ELECTION MANIPULATIONS, PRIVACY ABUSE & MILITARISTIC INFORMATION RIGGING THAT HARMED THE PUBLIC IN THIS CASE 8. A LARGE NUMBER OF CONNECTED INDIVIDUALS WHO CROSSED THE SILICON VALLEY CARTEL COSA NOSTRA ARE DEAD UNDER SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES 9. CA, NY & DC PUBLIC OFFICIALS & LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES HAVE ACTIVELY WORKED TO COVER THESE CASE FACTS UP & TO DELAY JUSTICE BECAUSE MONEY FROM THESE CRIMES ARRIVED IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS 10. THE REASON GOOGLE EMPLOYEES COMPRISED SUCH A LARGE % OF THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE & GOVERNMENT WAS TO DEPLOY THIS MASSIVE ORGANIZED CRIME CRONY PAYOLA SCHEME FOR THE SILICON VALLEY CARTEL 11. THE MAJORITY OF THE FUNDS TRANSFERS FOR THESE CRIMES CAME THROUGH "DARK MONEY", "REVOLVING DOOR" & INSIDER TRADING SCHEMES ======================== The Elon Musk Facade: ELON MUSK'S MEDIA BITCHES THAT COVER FOR HIM, LIE ABOUT THE NEWS IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE SILICON VALLEY CARTEL AND ARE TRULY TOTAL FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA MANIPULATED INFORMATION OUTLETS: San Francisco SFGATE.COM San Francisco Chronicle All Hearst Publications San Jose Mercury News Univision and all affiliates San Francisco CBS KPIX Ch. 5 San Francisco NBC KRON Ch. 4 San Francisco ABC KGO Ch. 7 KQED Twitter Google Facebook Instagram These are "Fake News" outlets that exist entirely to sell stock market hype and political propaganda that will benefit their owners. They care nothing about your human rights, privacy or information ethics. ======================================= ================================= The press clippings here represent hundreds of thousands of news reports, documents and investigation summations related to this case. They were authored by tens of thousands of investigators and journalists who are available to testify to the facts before a jury trial, public congressional investigation or live televised hearing. Every article here has a connection to the case suspects or victims and serves to prove the criminality, modus operandi, culture or damages of the matter. These clippings are in addition to the forensic evidence documents and videos. ======================================== GDPR: Not only is GDPR an important step in protecting the fundamental right to privacy for citizens, it also raises the bar for data protection, security, and compliance in the industry. We always protect you. Never track you and support the elimination of sites who spy on citizens and try to manipulate their thoughts. For more information on GDPR, please visit: This non-commercial, all-volunteer, mesh network, public-hosted, wiki is compliant with EU, GDPR, U.S. First Amendment, Fair Use Doctrine, Freedom Of The Press, SLAPP and related standards. Google, and the Cartel of companies owned by Google/Alphabet; block, hide, down-rank and DNS dead-stop the articles on this site, and thousands of other news sites, in order to cover up election rigging and corruption crimes that Google/Alphabet undertake. Please help to bypass Google's manipulation of the internet by mass distribution of this data through alternative means. We placed autonomous monitoring applications on co-location servers, shared hosting ISP's, stand-alone servers and sites around the world over ten years ago and monitored: 1.) Google's search results compared to other search engines, 2.) Google's DNS and spoofing activities, 3.) Google's results on 100 key search terms including search terms of assets, candidates and business associates connected to Google (ie: "Obama", "Elon Musk", "Election Results", etc.), 4.) Where Google sends data from users clicking on Google supplied links, 5.) Where fabricated "mole" data that was injected as user data ultimately ended up later, and other metrics. The results prove that Google abuses the market, the public, politics and human rights. Insurance Policy Multi-Terrabyte Insurance Policy "Deadman Switch" # 4; Key #2 = hTef#2&#yYkTq*6R2WG3&zV ====== Remember that the 'Turing Paradigm' proves that any conceivable encryption technology can be broken into. Don't put anything on a network or electronic device today that you don't want to see on 60 Minutes tomorrow. All a case has to do is ask for the evidence of criminality and some insider will post that evidence on the web because some people still believe in the law..." YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: According to the world's top internet security experts: "...Welcome to the new digital world. Nobody can ever type anything on the internet without getting scanned, hacked, privacy abused, data harvested for some political campaign, spied on by the NSA and Russian hackers and sold to marketing companies. You can't find a corporate or email server that has not already been hacked. For $5000.00, on the Dark Web, you can now buy a copy of any person's entire dating files from, their social security records and their federal back-ground checks. These holes can never be patched because they exist right in the hardware of 90% of the internet hardware on Earth. Any hacker only needs to find one hole in a network in order to steal everything in your medical records, your Macy's account, your credit records and your dating data. Be aware, these days, Mr. & Ms. Consumer. Facebook, Google, Twitter and Amazon have turned out to be not-what-they-seem. They manipulate you and your personal information in quite illicit manners and for corrupt purposes. Avoid communicating with anybody on the internet because you will never know who you are really talking to. Only communication with people live and in-person..." SPREAD THE WORD. TELL YOUR FRIENDS. COPY AND PASTE THIS TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA.